It is 1842 and there are no limits as to who can work in the coal mines. Pupils will discover the working conditions and the attitudes people had in the period, interview characters who are for and those that are against, then they will vote to decide whether legislation should be introduced to limit those that would be eligible to work underground.
The pupils will meet a costumed member of Beamish Museum staff who will lead them across the 1800s landscape, taking them to meet various characters to find out information and see what they think about the working conditions for the children working underground. At Pockerley, the pupils will be split up into two groups but the most of the time they will be together as a whole group. The session will end with a vote, will the pupils decide that it is unfair to limit the ages of the children working underground?
This activity will bring to life the mining conditions for women and children in the period, exploring the effects of increasing industrialisation. It also links to local history in the North East.
This session helps children:
- To explore and understand the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution, and in particular the development of deep coal mines.
- To explore and understand the impact of the early industrialisation on society.
- To compare what life was like in the Georgian Era to life now.
Target age: Years 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (KS2, KS3)
Cost: £50
Duration:75 minutes (unless time is limited)
Group size: Whole class
Season: All year
To book and to find out more: email or phone 0191 370 4026.
Teacher Information
1842 Collieries Act Activity Outline for Teachers
1842 Collieries Act activity outline and information for supervising teachers
1842 Collieries Act activity Hazard Identification Sheet
1842 Collieries Act activity Hazard Identification Sheet for supervising teachers.