Filming and Photography at Beamish Museum

Beamish, The Living Museum of the North tells the story of life in the North East in the 1820s, 1900s, 1940s and 1950s, and as such, is popular with filmmakers and photographers – find out more about filming at Beamish.

The museum has been the location for all kinds of television and film productions – from small community projects and student assignments to documentaries, live outside broadcasts and big drama productions.

Beamish Museum receives many requests from broadcasters and TV production companies. We look at each of these requests on a case-by-case basis to ensure your request fits around museum operations.

Arranging a recce/site visit

Beamish Museum is unique. As such, we would always recommend that a recce is conducted by the production company, even if you feel that you are familiar with the museum. During a recce, you will be guided around the museum by a member of Beamish staff, and will be provided with essential information relating to filming at Beamish.

Please contact our Communications Team to arrange a recce.

Student Filming

We do, where possible, allow student filming and photography at the museum, but it depends on the nature of the request and whether it can be accommodated alongside museum operations. Student filming must be organised in advance by contacting a member of our Communications Team. A request form will need to be completed, you can download a student request form here.

We do offer an exclusive facility fee for students wishing to film at the museum. To find out more, please contact the Communications Team.

All film crews and still photographers must be covered by Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of £5million. Before filming can take place, you will need to confirm that the filming would be covered by the school/college/university’s public liability insurance and supply us with copy of the insurance certificate. This should be sent to the Communications Team at least seven working days before filming is due to take place.


Due to the nature of Beamish Museum, there are a number of conditions for filming and photography. A full list will be provided to you but, before filming can proceed, we will need to receive the following documentation:

  • Completed filming request form with comprehensive details of your requirements. Download a Beamish filming & photography request form here.
  • Proof of Public Liability Insurance to a minimum value of £5million, valid for the entire time you shall be working at the museum.
  • Full details of all equipment.
  • Number of crew/personnel attending the shoot.
  • Registration details for any vehicles coming onsite.
  • A signed copy of the Conditions and Site Rules document which will be provided to you by your museum contact person once your requirements have been agreed.

Ideally, filming should take place on a weekday. Please note, we cannot, under any circumstance, close any areas of the museum to visitors during our opening hours (winter: 10am – 4pm, summer: 10am – 5pm). If filming requires the exclusive use of a building (internally or externally) then filming will take place outside opening hours so that visitors are not inconvenienced.

All film crews/photographers must be accompanied by a member of Beamish staff at all times.


All fees are based on the individual requirements of each project. To find out more, contact our Communications Team.

Contact us

If you would like to find out more about filming at Beamish, The Living Museum of the North, please contact Francesca Boyle, Communications Officer,