Napoleonic Muster

Join The Old 68th Durham Light Infantry Society and Display Team as they come to Beamish for an impressive Napoleonic muster!

Watch drill displays, see musket-firing demonstrations and find out about life in the army at this time in our 1820s Landscape.

As with all daytime events, you can use your Unlimited Pass or Friends of Beamish membership to enjoy this special event.

No booking is required from 1pm onwards. Visitors will still need to pre-book for 10am, 11am and 12pm timeslots to help us manage the flow of visitors through our Entrance building during our busiest times, but if you are visiting from 1pm onwards, you can just turn up and won’t need to pre-book (last admission is one hour before closing time).

Beamish reserves the right to alter or change this programme at any point.
