Evacuees in the Second World War

£50 per class, KS2 (admission costs apply)

It is 1941 and Britain has been at war for some time. Wartime spirit is in full swing and rationing is part of everyday life.

Over the last couple of months, air raids have become more extreme and parents have decided it is time to send children to the relative safety of the countryside, as extended warfare seems inevitable. America is not currently involved in this ‘European war’, but circumstances are about to change dramatically…

Children will meet the costumed farm staff at The 1940s Farm. Will the farmer provide billets for them all? Of course, they would rather not, but if they think that they are smart, strong and pleasant enough perhaps they will have a re-think. The farmer will be looking out for those willing to help out before deciding who can stay in the safety of the farm.

During the activity, children will take part in a range of activities covering topics such as the black out, rationing, Dig For Victory, the black market airplane identification and the Home Guard. The children will be split into two groups and these groups will experience different activities. Some activities will depend on the season.

This activity will help children to:

  • Learn about life on the Home Front during the Second World War
  • Understand what it was like to be evacuated
  • Empathise with what it was like to be an evacuee during the Second World War

Target Age: Key Stage 2

Activity Cost: £50 (admission costs apply)

Duration: 75 minutes (unless time is limited)

Group size: Full class

Season: All year round

To book and to find out more: email bookings@beamish.org.uk or phone 0191 370 4026.

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