Men’s Groups

Beamish Unlimited

Our men’s groups meet weekly at the museum and take part in a wide variety of activities together, using the museum and its wonderful collections as our inspiration. The groups are for men aged 60 and over who are experiencing social isolation, depression and anxiety or who are living with dementia.

Most participants come to the group via their GP, Social Prescribing Link Worker or Occupational Therapist, but you can also contact us independently too.

If you would like to find out more information about the group please contact the Health and Wellbeing team on 01913704016 or email . Alternatively, you can complete this form and we will contact you

Our Men’s Group is part of Durham County Council’s Cree programme. Beamish’s Men’s Cree, along with other Crees across County Durham, has recently received a ‘Recognition of Contribution to Public Health Award’ from the Director of Public Health for Durham County Council.

County Durham CREE programme logo