Harvest Celebrations 2024

5th & 6th Oct

Join us to experience traditional harvest celebrations!

We will be exploring the significance of harvest time, with bountiful displays and entertainment across the museum.

  • In our 1900s Pit Village, traditional Harvest Festival celebrations are underway. The idea of the Harvest Festival as we know it dates back to the 1840s when churches would be decorated with flowers and home-grown produce, and hymns would be sung to mark the event. On Sunday the Beamish Choir will be performing at 1pm and 2pm in The Pit Village chapel.
  • At 1820s Pockerley Old Hall and St Helen’s Church we will be enjoying harvest displays and telling the story of Harvest Home which signified the end of the harvest. On Sunday we will also be enjoying traditional music at Pockerley Old Hall.
  • With wartime and rationing at The 1940s Farm, use of the Durham Wartime Cookery Book will be going on to make the most of the limited ingredients available.

As with all daytime events, you can use your Unlimited Pass or Friends of Beamish membership to enjoy this special event.

For more information keep checking back here or follow us on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Beamish reserves the right to alter or change this programme at any point.